Florida Registered Agent
Foreign LLC Florida
Florida Out-of-State LLC Registration
If you’re operating an LLC that was formed in a state other than Florida and want to expand your company into the Sunshine State, you must register your LLC with the state before you start doing business.
On this page, you’ll find some general information, a few FAQs, and a step-by-step explanation of the foreign qualification process.
Ready to get started?
Hire us to take care of the paperwork, and you’ll get our Florida Business Presence web & viritual phone service FREE for 90 days.
With Florida Business Presence, you get a phone number with a local area code and all the tools you need create a professional website for the Florida arm of your business.
Not tech-savvy? No worries. Our dedicated web services team is on hand to walk you through the process whenever you decide to set up your site. Call and you’ll get a REAL person on the line.
What is a Foreign LLC?
The term “foreign LLC” can be a little misleading. Typically, the word “foreign” is used in a context that indicates something is separate on a national level. In this case, “foreign” refers to any entity that was formed in another county OR another state. That’s why foreign LLCs are also known as out-of-state LLCs.
If you have formed an LLC in another state and have aspirations of conducting business in Florida, you must first register your company with the Florida Department of State Division of Corporations. Registering your company doesn’t mean that you form an entirely new LLC. Instead, there is a specific process required for you to grow your company in the Sunshine State.
All states require that you list a registered agent on your formation paperwork when you form a legal business entity. This registered agent is particular to the state of formation and must possess a physical address in that state. When you register your out-of-state LLC in Florida, you must also have a Florida registered agent with a physical address in Florida.
Florida Registered Agent LLC provides registered agent service for out-of-state LLCs daily. We’re the best in the industry. We offer affordable, efficient, and reliable service day in and day out, and our services include the free use of our Florida business address.
For those just starting out in Florida, or those looking to add the state to their enterprising area, Florida Registered Agent LLC is the business advantage.
How to Register Your Out-of-State LLC in Florida
Below, find a step-by-step overview of how to register your out-of-state LLC in Florida.
Obtain a Certificate of Existence
Once you determine that your LLC will need to register in Florida before conducting business, you will need to obtain a certificate of existence from your original state of formation. This can be completed through the Secretary of State Office for a small fee, depending on what state your LLC originates from. This certificate must be current within 90 days before you submit it with your registration documents to the Florida Division of Corporations.
Choose a Registered Agent
Choosing a registered agent is an important decision in your business expansion plan. A registered agent must have a physical address in the state and, because your LLC was originally formed in another state, it is likely that you do not have a physical address in Florida. Thus, hiring a registered agent is necessary. Florida Registered Agent LLC is the ideal choice for the job. With years of reliability and quality service under our belt, we make sure we fulfill our duties as your registered agent to the highest degree.
Complete the Application
The Application and adjoined cover letter must be fully completed before submission. There is a fillable PDF of the application available for download from the Sunbiz.org website.
Submit the Necessary Documents and Fees
In Florida, there is not an option to file the Application by Foreign Limited Liability Company for Authorization online. You must submit this completed application, the filing fee, and the cover letter to the Florida Division of Corporation via mail or in person. You must submit payment for the filing fee as a check, made out to the Florida Division of Corporation.
File an Annual Report
Every Florida LLC (domestic and foreign) must file an annual report with the Department of State, Division of Corporations by May 1 each year. The filing fee is $138.75. If you fail to submit your annual report, you could lose your authority to conduct business in Florida. Thankfully, when you hire us to register your foreign LLC, we’ll submit your annual report on your behalf. For just $100 plus state fees, you’ll get peace of mind knowing your business is compliant with state law. You won’t pay any additional upfront fees. If you decide to file yourself, you can cancel compliance service inside your client account.
What information is required on the application?
The application is broken up into ten different numbered sections. They are as follows:
Name of Foreign Limited Liability Company
This section is where you provide the name of your limited liability company. If the name of your LLC is not available in Florida, according to §605.0906 of the Florida Statutes, you are permitted to use an alternate name that complies with the Florida LLC naming requirements. This name must include an identifying term that denotes your company as an LLC.
The registered name of your LLC in Florida will be cross referenced with its original name in the official state records. All business that is transacted in Florida must be transacted under its registered name, rather than the original name in the state of origin.
On this line, list the state in which your LLC was originally formed.
FEI Number
“FEI Number” stands for Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN). This is a unique, nine digit number that is issued to your company by the Internal Revenue Service for tax purposes. There is no fee to get an FEIN, and the process is quick and simple—especially if you have a social security number. If you are not a US citizen, it not impossible to get a FEIN, but it is a little more complicated.
This number is necessary if you have hired employees or pay taxes. It is likely that you already have one of these. You are not required to get a new one specific to Florida. You are only required to list the one you have already been issued.
If you do not have a FEIN, for an additional fee, Florida Registered Agent can complete the process and obtain one on your behalf.
Date First Transacted Business in Florida
If your LLC started doing business in Florida without first obtaining a certificate of authority, you must list the first date of transaction on this application and you may be responsible for paying a penalty.
Street Address of Principal Office
The principal office is where the official business of your company is transacted.
Mailing Address
The mailing address of your LLC is where the company receives its mail.
We provide an array of Florida mail forwarding service packages for businesses that want to establish a business mailing address in Florida.
Name and Street Address of Florida Registered Agent
In this section, you must provide the name and address of your Florida registered agent. Even though your LLC has a registered address in your state of origin, you must also have a registered agent in Florida. The address of your registered agent must be an actual, physical street address. P.O. Box addresses are not permitted. In addition to the name and address, your registered agent must also accept and sign the application before it can be submitted to the state.
Florida Registered Agent LLC provides registered agent service for LLCs that want to expand their business into Florida. We help hundreds of companies grow their company into the sunshine state. With the most dependable and efficient service in Florida, we can guarantee that we are the best choice for your registered agent.
The Name, Title, and Address of the LLC Managers
You must list the name and title of at least one person who is authorized as a manager of the LLC on the application.
Certificate of Existence
You are required to include a certificate of existence, no more than 90 days old, from the original state of formation with the application submission.
Signature of an Authorized Person
To complete the application, an authorized person must sign the document stating that all information provided on the application is true.
Note: The application also includes a cover letter. The cover letter requires the name of the LLC and the name and address of a person responsible for receiving all correspondence.
Submitting Your Registration Application
Once you’ve filled out your application for authoization to do business in Florida as a foreign LLC, you need to submit your form along with the filing fee. Unfortunately, applications cannot be filed online.
Filing Fee
The fee to register your out-of-state LLC in Florida is $125. For an additional $30, you can request that a certified copy of your certificate of authority is provided to you.
How do I submit the application?
You must mail or hand deliver the completed application, along with a check made out to the Division of Corporations.
The mailing address is:
Division of Corporations
Registration Section
P.O. Box 6327
Tallahassee, FL 32314
The street address for hand delivery is:
Division of Corporations
Registration Section
Clifton Building
2661 Executive Center Circle
Tallahassee, FL 32301
Florida Business Presence
When you order foreign registration service, you get our Florida Business Presence package FREE for 90 days.
With Florida Business Presence, you can:
- Create a professional website specifically for the Florida branch of your business
- Connect with Florida clients using a phone number with a Florida area code
Florida Business Presence includes domain name, website with SSL website security, email, and virutal phone service. PLUS, get individual assistance from our dedicated web services team at no extra cost (they’ll even help you set up your website at no additional cost!).
Read more about each individal service below.
» Domain Name (Web Address)
Also known as a web address, this is what customers type in to the search bar to go directly to your website. For example, our domain name is “FloridaRegisteredAgent.net” Having a domain name that matches or is similar to your business name helps customer find you easily. Domain service is free for a whole year (up to $25 value).
What if I already have a web address and a website?
If you already have a website for your business (ex: “YourBusinessNameHere.org”), creating another website for your Florida branch at “YourBusinessNameHereFlorida,” for example, can allow you to target specifically Florida customers. Or you can transfer your domain and migrate your website to our service to save money and pay all your bills in one place.
» Website:
We make it easy to create a professional website with our pre-built template. You can add personalized text and photos to tell your company’s story and advertise your products and services. In addition, your website comes with SSL security so your customers know their information is safe.
Never built a website before? No problem. Our team is available to help you create your website when you’re ready. We don’t leave you hanging. After you order, a REAL person will give you a call (or you can call us) to assist with your website setup.
» SSL Website Security:
Ever try to click on a website and receive a warning that the site isn’t secure? That means the owners of the site didn’t get SSL security.
Having SSL security protects your website data and any information customers provide on your site. That’s why we include it with every website order for no extra fee.
» Email:
Don’t underestimate the importance of a professional email address. Messages from an email address like “[email protected]” are more likely to get opened and less likely to end up in the spam folder than messages from an address like “FloridaHottie87” sent from a generic source like gmail or yahoo.
With our service, you get up to 10 email addresses that end with your unqiue domain name.
» Virtual Phone Service:
Look professional, keep your personal phone number private, and create a phone line specifically for your Florida clients with our virtual phone service.
You can have phone calls forwarded to any US number–there’s no need to buy a new phone and no contract required. You can access your voicemail and SMS messages using our mobile app or an internet browser.
You get:
- Unlimited calls and SMS texts
- Outbound Caller ID displaying your company name
- Voicemail transcription (listen to or read your messages)
- Customized voicemail greeting
- iOS and Android app
What’s the Cost?
You’ll get your domain name FREE for a whole year (up to $25 value). All other services are FREE for 90 days, and just $9/month after that.
Why Hire Us to Register Your FL Foreign LLC?
Florida Registered Agent LLC specializes in dependable and efficient registered agent service. We believe in the value of business growth, and supporting companies and their expansion into new levels of success is our number one priority.
Here is what is included in our registered agent service package:
- 365 days of quality registered agent service
- Secure client account to manage your business documents
- Compliance Service Enrollment (ZERO upfront fees)
- A highly trained client support team ready to help when you need them
- A reliable, physical Florida address
- The best price in the state
- Florida Business Presence FREE for 90 days
Florida Foreign LLC FAQs
Who should register an out-of-state LLC in Florida?
+The Florida law that specifically addresses out-of-state LLCs states that an out-of-state LLC must obtain a certificate of authority if they plan to “transact business” within the state. That’s not exactly the most clear definition of which LLCs are required to register in Florida and which ones might be exempt.
One typical indicator that your LLC requires registration is if your company has a physical presence in the state such as a warehouse, a store, an office, or a sales representative.
However, there are some instances when an LLC will not need to register. For example, if you own property, are defending a lawsuit, have a bank account in the state, are selling through an independent contractor, or are securing debts, you may not need to register. This list doesn’t include everything. If you’re unsure if you need to register, it’s a good idea to consult with a professional before proceeding.
What happens if you don’t register?
+If you don’t register your company and go on to conduct business in Florida without a certificate of authority, you are liable to the State of Florida for any fees and penalties accrued, including a penalty of at least $500 for doing business without the proper permissions. It’s a far better deal to file the documents and make sure your ducks are in a row before you start to grow your business in Florida.
What kind of paperwork is required?
+To register your out-of-state LLC in Florida, you are required to submit to the state a completed Application by Foreign Limited Liability Company for Authorization to Transact Business in Florida. In addition to this application, you must also submit a certificate of existence from the state of original formation and a cover letter that includes the name of the LLC, as well as the name and address of an authorized contact person.
What is a certificate of existence?
+A certificate of existence is a document that proves that your business is legally authorized to conduct business in a particular state. It also proves that your business is in good standing with the Secretary of State office and has filed and paid the necessary documents and fees. In some states, this document is also known as a certificate of good standing.
Am I required to file an annual report?
+All LLCs and out-of-state LLCs in Florida are required to file an annual report. On this report, you are required to provide the following:
- Name of your company
- Principal office address
- Mailing address
- Date of organization
- Jurisdiction of formation
- Date your LLC was authorized to conduct business in FL
- Name, title, and address of at least one person who has the authority to manage the company
The first annual report is due between January 1 and May 1 of the year following the year your LLC registered to conduct business in Florida.
If you do not file an annual report, your LLC will not be able to defend any action in court and will be subject to fees and penalties. If you do not pay the fees and file the annual report, your certificate of authority will be revoked. Are you worried you’ll forget to file? Hire us to register your foreign LLC, and we’ll submit your report for just $100 plus state fees!
What kind of taxes will I be required to pay?
+Depending on what the purpose of your LLC is, you may be required to pay taxes to the State of Florida in addition to the taxes required in your state of formation. Some examples of activities that would necessitate tax obligations are:
- Maintaining an office in the state
- Assembling products in the state
- Owning, renting, or leasing property in the state
- Delivering foods to people located in Florida using a company-owned vehicle
When a company’s activities fall in the category that requires taxation, this typically indicates that the company has established nexus in that state. These rules are oftentimes vague and ambiguous so if you have questions, it is a good idea to contact the Florida Department of Revenue via their email address ([email protected]).
Can I register anonymously in Florida?
+No. Anonymous foreign registration is not available in Florida, and neither is anonymous LLC formation. However, with Double (Private) LLC formation, you can form two LLCs that manage each other. If you order our Double LLC package, you’ll be able to use our permanent business address so you can keep your name and address off the public record.
Plus State fees
Per Year